Hong Kong Cat
Salvation Army
from an internet homepage for rescuing and rehoming homeless cats and kittens
in December 1997, the Hong Kong Cat Salvation Army (HKCSA) is set up by a
group of enthusiastic cat fanciers who would like to share their concern
towards and to work for the welfare of the stray, abandoned and abused cats.
All the
rescuing, rehoming, care and fostering, delivery to and from vet clinics,
socializing, all other operation and administration works are carried out by
volunteers in their own spare time.
l HKCSA is registered as a charitable
organization in HKSAR in April 1999.
l To promote,
liaise, facilitate and advocate for the welfare, protection and relief of
suffering of stray, abandoned and abused cats in Hong Kong;
l To educate the
public in promotion of responsible pet ownership, to encourage animal
adoption and to reduce indiscriminate breeding with special concern for cats;
l To set up,
sponsor, support and give advice for nurseries, shelters, adoption centres,
veterinary clinics and animal hospitals for stray, abandoned and abused cats;
To organise voluntary workers to work for the
welfare of stray, abandoned and abused cats.
Inquiry ---- +852 9431 9461
Low Cost
Desexing Scheme
Magazines Columns
l Public Education
2012年9月22日 星期六
【英文類】Hong Kong Cat Salvation Army(Website)
2012年9月21日 星期五
【貓貓知識匯總】 >> 【貓之新手篇】 >> 【新貓飼養之準備】
1. 有足够的经济能力吗
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(图取自【宠物百科家族】) |
2. 你是否是个有责任心与耐心的人
3. 居住环境适合养猫吗
4. 你选择的猫咪适合你吗
5. 家人与伴侣都同意你养猫吗
6. 你愿意为猫咪付出时间吗
7. 领养或是购买
8. 可以忍受猫的破坏力吗
9. 可以忍受猫的脾气吗
2012年9月19日 星期三
【貓貓知識匯總】 >> 【貓之疾病篇】 >>【貓貓傳染疾病類】
近來國際媒體紛紛報導一則關於「養貓恐致腦癌」的新聞,指出法國科學家研究發現,貓咪腹部若感染弓漿蟲(Toxoplasma gondii),一旦傳染給人類恐致腦癌,引發愛貓人恐慌。不過「英國癌症研究中心」(Cancer Research UK) 也立即告訴大眾「免驚啦!」還說:該研究其實證據薄弱,而這樣的報導標題不但誤導人,也會嚴重影響養貓腦癌患者的心情,貓咪更是何其無辜!
近來英國《每日郵報》及各家大陸媒體紛紛報導,「貓咪可能害人類飼主得到腦瘤?」這樣研究來自於「法國國家科學研究中心」(CNRS) 的科學家佛萊德瑞克‧湯瑪斯(Frederic Thomas)。他在全球多個地區收集弓漿蟲感染資料,以及各地的腦癌病例,結果發現,弓漿蟲感染較普遍的地區,罹患腦癌的人數也較高,他相信弓形蟲與腦癌有一定關係。
不過「英國癌症研究中心」(Cancer Research UK) 在看了報導後,立即跳出來駁斥。他們以「貓不會傳染腦癌」(Cats do not 'spread brain tumours') 為題撰文,斥責報導容易誤導大眾,也一一提出說明表示該研究證據薄弱。
英國癌症研究中心嚴厲指出,媒體沒有把焦點放在湯瑪斯坦承研究證據不足上,反而全面寫出「養貓讓人罹患腦癌機率倍增」這種標題,非常令人痛心!撰文者Henry 斥責「根本是嚴重扭曲的言論」,還嘲諷說:「實在看不出來這種偉大的標題,對腦瘤病患和其家屬的意義何在?」
到底人類感染弓漿蟲機率有多少?可以先瞭解弓漿蟲的整個生命週期,就會發現機率微乎其微。根據獸醫師林政毅曾經撰文表示,弓漿蟲若是在貓咪腹部繁衍後,排出的卵囊至少要24小時以上的時間,才能發育成具感染能力的芽孢子(sporozoites) 形態。這種形態的芽孢子才具有感染其他溫血動物的能力,具感染能力的芽孢子化卵囊一旦被中間宿主(如:人、老鼠、犬、羊、豬等)食入之後,便會將其內的芽孢子(sporozoites) 釋放出來,芽孢子會穿入腸壁並以分裂快速的裂殖子形式(tachyzoites) 來進行無性增殖,使得芽孢子廣泛地散播於全身並在組織內形成囊體(cyst)。最後還要貓咪「生食」了這些具有弓漿蟲囊體的組織(例如:生肉類食物),才完成了弓漿蟲的整個生活史。因此若人類如果不直接接觸貓咪的糞便,也不吃生肉,感染率極低。
近來國際媒體紛紛報導一則關於「養貓恐致腦癌」的新聞,指出法國科學家研究發現,貓咪腹部若感染弓漿蟲(Toxoplasma gondii),一旦傳染給人類恐致腦癌,引發愛貓人恐慌。不過「英國癌症研究中心」(Cancer Research UK) 也立即告訴大眾「免驚啦!」還說:該研究其實證據薄弱,而這樣的報導標題不但誤導人,也會嚴重影響養貓腦癌患者的心情,貓咪更是何其無辜!
近來英國《每日郵報》及各家大陸媒體紛紛報導,「貓咪可能害人類飼主得到腦瘤?」這樣研究來自於「法國國家科學研究中心」(CNRS) 的科學家佛萊德瑞克‧湯瑪斯(Frederic Thomas)。他在全球多個地區收集弓漿蟲感染資料,以及各地的腦癌病例,結果發現,弓漿蟲感染較普遍的地區,罹患腦癌的人數也較高,他相信弓形蟲與腦癌有一定關係。
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(圖/取自春麗-Flickr: chunli duan) |
英國癌症研究中心嚴厲指出,媒體沒有把焦點放在湯瑪斯坦承研究證據不足上,反而全面寫出「養貓讓人罹患腦癌機率倍增」這種標題,非常令人痛心!撰文者Henry 斥責「根本是嚴重扭曲的言論」,還嘲諷說:「實在看不出來這種偉大的標題,對腦瘤病患和其家屬的意義何在?」
到底人類感染弓漿蟲機率有多少?可以先瞭解弓漿蟲的整個生命週期,就會發現機率微乎其微。根據獸醫師林政毅曾經撰文表示,弓漿蟲若是在貓咪腹部繁衍後,排出的卵囊至少要24小時以上的時間,才能發育成具感染能力的芽孢子(sporozoites) 形態。這種形態的芽孢子才具有感染其他溫血動物的能力,具感染能力的芽孢子化卵囊一旦被中間宿主(如:人、老鼠、犬、羊、豬等)食入之後,便會將其內的芽孢子(sporozoites) 釋放出來,芽孢子會穿入腸壁並以分裂快速的裂殖子形式(tachyzoites) 來進行無性增殖,使得芽孢子廣泛地散播於全身並在組織內形成囊體(cyst)。最後還要貓咪「生食」了這些具有弓漿蟲囊體的組織(例如:生肉類食物),才完成了弓漿蟲的整個生活史。因此若人類如果不直接接觸貓咪的糞便,也不吃生肉,感染率極低。
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(圖/取自貓藝家療癒系茶館/Sara 拍攝) |
2012年9月18日 星期二
【英文類】Cat Litter Trays - Finding The Right One
【貓貓資料分類】 >> 【英文資料類】
Choosing the perfect cat box can be beneficial to both your cats health as well as the owners. The important thing is that the cat box must be appealing to the cat and comfortable for use. Rest assured, the cat's satisfaction also guarantees success.
In finding the perfect cat box,
here are some things that must be considered:
and Depth:
This maybe determined by the
number of cats there are in the home. However, it is ideal if the number of
cats in the home determines the number of cat boxes available rather than the
size. For kittens, shallow cat boxes, no more than three inches deep are
advisable. For adult cats on the other hand, those about six inches high are
desirable. The prescribed area of the litter box is at least 24 inches in
length or width. Material of the Box:
Heavy and durable plastic is the most advisable material for a cat box and is also the most inexpensive variety in stores. Plus with their simplicity in style, cleaning can prove to be a breeze.
of Cleaning:
Basic flat boxes are easy to
clean because of their simple design. There is no need to remove any lids or
covers to scoop or clean. However, some cats frequently kick litter out of the
box so if you choose this option, you had better have a whisk broom and a dust
pan always at hand.
Covered boxes usually minimize
the trouble of having cat litter and waste scattered outside the box since they
have hoods which keep all the litter inside. Covered boxes also tend to become
stinky due to poor ventilation.
There are also those
self-cleaning cat boxes available in the market. The self-cleaning feature of
these boxes keep the cat box neat and tidy, but they also require some cleaning
from the owner. Every few days the receptacle must be emptied of urine and faeces
and sometimes the rake does not get every bit of cat waste so there may be an
occasional need for scooping them out.
and Features: There is a wide variety of designs, styles and features for cat litter boxes. The owner may have to choose which one will be most convenient for him and his cat.. Below are listed some basic designs for cat litter boxes:
- Basic flat box.
This is the simple rectangular pan which is commonly made of plastic. They come in different depths, sizes and colours. This design is preferred by most cats. An innovation to this design whose is to hold the cat box liners in place by securing them under the rim. - Covered cat boxes or hooded litter
These cat litter boxes look like the traditional open-type rectangular pans except for the addition of the hood which partly covers the box. An opening is situated at one end of the box which serves as the entrance and exit way for the cat. The hood is also positioned high enough so that the cat can stand and do its job with ease and comfort. While they provide "privacy" for the pet, they tend to get very smelly because of poor ventilation inside. Manufacturers of this type of cat boxes have offered a solution to this problem. Some variants of the hooded type have vents on top plus a filter which aids in trapping odours. For this type of cat box, it is recommended that you choose one that is large enough to accommodate the pet, has a hood which can be easily manoeuvred for easy cleaning, and large vents. - Designer boxes.
Also known as "hidden boxes", this type of litter box disguises itself as a furniture piece or even a plant. A designer litter box not only serves to be the cat's convenient toilet but it can also function as an accent for the room in which it is located. Although the containers are commonly not large enough, there are designs which are big and more open. These are the ones which are more ideal for use. Try to find one which provides good ventilation. - Sifting Boxes.
A few other variants of this type are available in the market but the basic model consists of two rectangular pans and a tray which acts as a sifter. - Self-cleaning box.
These electrical-powered high-end litter boxes work with a sensor which activates the self-cleaning machinery a few minutes after the cat has left the box. The cleaning machinery contains a rake which works its way along the litter to scoop out cat pee and poop into a waste receptacle. There is still the need to occasionally clean the unit, especially the cleaning mechanism itself.
The basic flat box is the most
affordable of all the designs mentioned. The self-cleaning box is obviously the
most expensive and their guarantee commonly lasts for only one year. This can
be a risk which the owner must consider before actually buying a unit.
to the Cat:
Cats generally do fine with the
open box type. Covered boxes offer the "privacy" which some cats like
but some cats feel trapped inside them. Owners of designer boxes may find it
attractive to put them in places where they will be most appreciated. However,
they must be sensitive to the fact that cats most often opt to do their
business in a place which is quiet and safe. As for the automated self-cleaning
cat litter boxes, some finicky cats may find them comfy since they are clean
and spacious. However, they may get psyched out by the mechanical action if
they chance to see it actually happen. They might be afraid of using the unit
Finding the perfect cat litter
box may be a hard task and may require experimentation on the part of the
owner. If the owner tries out a box which his pet really does not like, he
should not insist on the cat using it. Though this experimentation may become
tedious, it can be necessary to find the perfect box for your cat. Providing
the cat its preferred litter box can bring good health and satisfaction to both
owner and pet, and the carpet as well! We hope that you finished reading this
article having learned at least a little bit of new information. If so, then we
have done our job.
Original Website: http://www.cat-world.com.au/cat-litter-trays-finding-the-right-one
: I like my litter box always clean, and don't like to share with another cats~
2012年9月17日 星期一
【貓貓資料分類】 >> 【簡體資料類】
为了照顾小孩却牺牲掉睡眠时间,隔天还要顶着熊猫眼上班的新手爸妈们,您累了吗?在美国加州有一位新手爸爸Matthew Nifield,发明了催眠宝宝安稳入睡的应用程序─「White Noise Ambiance」〈自然环境噪音〉,可以让新手父母下载到iPad和iPhone上,一推出立即受到全球新生儿父母的青睐,还因此替自己带来了意外的收益。
每天为了哄小孩入睡,导致自己每晚都睡不好,想必是不少新手爸妈们所苦恼的问题。在美国加州拥有一对双胞胎女儿,现年33岁的新手爸爸Matthew Nifield也有同样的困扰,不过他则是「化忧郁为创意」,他发现好像有一些特别的声音出现时,女儿们就会开始出现打哈欠的现象,于是他开始着手录制不同的声音进行测试。
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(图/取自每日邮报) |
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(图/取自每日邮报) |
现在这些声音已经制作成「White Noise Ambience」的应用程序,已经有许多疲惫不堪的父母们趋之若鹜下载到iPad和iPhone,而这一项发明也让Matthew荷包满满,一年就能赚进六万英镑。
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(图/取自每日邮报) |
2012年9月16日 星期日
【英文類】Cat missing 5 months, reunited by Facebook (News)
【貓貓資料分類】 >> 【英文資料類】
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(Photo from CBC news) |
A cat from Lower Sackville, N.S., has been reunited with its owner more than five months after it went missing.
Laura LaChance said she and her cat, Tito, were able to find each other earlier this week with the help of a Facebook site dedicated to lost and found cats in the Halifax Regional Municipality and Nova Scotia.
"My birthday came and went and I thought it would be the best birthday present if Tito would just come home. It didn't happen," LaChance said Thursday.
"But it's better late than never. A perfect Christmas present."
LaChance said Tito managed to push open a screen on her balcony and escape from her third-floor apartment in July 2011.
In the desperate search for her beloved cat, LaChance printed more than 800 brochures and 30 large missing cat posters. She offered a $1,000 reward and started scouring lost pet sites online.
"Anybody who knows me knows that it was awful," she said.
LaChance found a Facebook site which was dedicated to lost and found cats in the area, and began checking for new updates regularly.
Tracey Galusha, who started the site, told CBC News her group has almost 1,400 members and they have saved several cats, making sure they're spayed or neutered before finding them new homes.
"I have pets and I don't know what I would do if one was missing," Galusha said Thursday.
She heard about a stray cat hanging out near a hotel close to the Halifax Stanfield International Airport, so she decided to try and rescue it.
Galusha put out a trap and managed to capture the cat. She posted the picture on her Facebook site on Wednesday.
LaChance said she saw the picture and immediately knew it was Tito. She immediately headed to Galusha's house for a reunion.
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(Photo from CBC news) |
"Without Tracey and her perseverance and her enormous heart, we never would've gotten him back, ever," LaChance said.
She said she has no idea how Tito made the trek from Beaver Bank to the airport and how he survived alone for more than five months.
Tito has lost weight but LaChance said otherwise, her cat is in good shape.
:Hope all stray cats can have their happy reunion with their owners.
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