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In truth, a rex cat is no
different from any other cat and produces allergen like all other cats. They
are not hypoallergenic by any means, as claimed by some. Then why do some
people seem to have no allergic reaction to rex cats? There is no simple answer
to this question at this time, and more research is required to get the answers
needed. One possible hypothesis is that as rex cats have less hair to shed,
they simply deposit less allergen-laced hair around the home. But, whatever the
reasons some allergic people seem to tolerate them. From personal studies and
observations by Margaret Lawrence in the UK, she found that around 10% of
people allergic to cats tolerate rex cats. Please, before you race out and look
for a rex cat, remember you should always test your allergies by visiting home
or catteries that only own rex cats, and test continuously over several weeks
or months. As you don't want the poor little kitten to be re-homed if you find
out you are allergic to him or her. Don't let your new cat become another
statistic at a shelter.
Many viral/bacterial infections
are airborne & can be carried into your house through the air or on a
person's clothing. Fleas & other parasites can also be brought in via a
person's clothing.
If a woman hasn't had prior
exposure to Toxoplasmosis & becomes infected during pregnancy, it can harm
her unborn baby. Cats are the natural host for Toxoplasmosis, however
Toxoplasmosis can also be acquired from eating undercooked meat, improperly washed
vegetables or gardening. I was tested for Toxoplasmosis throughout my recent
pregnancy & remained negative even though I was living with 9 cats, one of
whom had tested positive for Toxoplasmosis. Pregnant women should take
precautions such as avoiding cleaning the litter tray, ensuring their meat is
thoroughly cooked, washing vegetables properly & wearing gloves while
gardening. There is no need to get rid of your cat just because you're
This theory has been around for
hundreds of years. I used to put bells on my cat's collars, in fact Eliot, who
was my best hunter had three bells on her collar at one point & it did
absolutely nothing to stop her catching the wildlife. In fact, there is new
research to indicate that cats who have had bells put on their collars are
better at catching prey. This is because they learn to move without the
bell making a sound & therefore they are stealthier.
For further information on
putting bells on cat's collars, read this article. Cats Indoors.
Most cats hate water but not all.
Turkish Van's are known to be fond of water & enjoy swimming. My Bengal
also likes to play with water, although I can't imagine him ever wanting to go
swimming in it. I've known of other Bengal cats who enjoy playing with water
This myth came about in part from
the movie The Lady & the Tramp where the Siamese cat is portrayed in less
than a glowing light. In my opinion, temperament is a result of genetics &
socialisation. If a cat is raised in a loving environment, the chances are they
will grow up into well adjusted & loving pets. If the myth were true that
Siamese cats are mean, I'm sure they wouldn't be one of the world's most
popular breeds of cat.
Original Website: http://www.cat-world.com.au/cat-myths