【貓貓知識匯總】 >> 【貓之飲食篇】 >> 【一般飲食之知識】

Horse mackerel or mackerel:
Back blue fish contains a lot of unsaturated fatty
acids, it will lead to some diseases characterized by inadequate Vitamin E. | |
Raw meat:
It may contain Salmonella and Bacillus which can cause
diarrhea and vomiting and even shock. |
Some fruits:
Citrus, tomatoes, oranges, grapefruit, peaches,
cherries, peaches, plums, loquat, mango, plum, strawberry, pineapple, lemon,
orange, grapefruit, bananas and other fruit should not fed with our cats with
excessive amounts, especially if the seeds contain cyanide, it may lead to
diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal problem. | |
Grapes & raisins:
These have been known to cause kidney damage. The
active ingredient hasn't been identified. |