
2012年4月14日 星期六


【貓貓資料分類】 >> 【新聞資料類】

近來國際媒體紛紛報導一則關於「養貓恐致腦癌」的新聞,指出法國科學家研究發現,貓咪腹部若感染弓漿蟲(Toxoplasma gondii),一旦傳染給人類恐致腦癌,引發愛貓人恐慌。不過「英國癌症研究中心」(Cancer Research UK) 也立即告訴大眾「免驚啦!」還說:該研究其實證據薄弱,而這樣的報導標題不但誤導人,也會嚴重影響養貓腦癌患者的心情,貓咪更是何其無辜!

近來英國《每日郵報》及各家大陸媒體紛紛報導,「貓咪可能害人類飼主得到腦瘤?」這樣研究來自於「法國國家科學研究中心」(CNRS) 的科學家佛萊德瑞克‧湯瑪斯(Frederic Thomas)。他在全球多個地區收集弓漿蟲感染資料,以及各地的腦癌病例,結果發現,弓漿蟲感染較普遍的地區,罹患腦癌的人數也較高,他相信弓形蟲與腦癌有一定關係。


(圖/取自春麗-Flickr: chunli duan)
不過「英國癌症研究中心」(Cancer Research UK) 在看了報導後,立即跳出來駁斥。他們以「貓不會傳染腦癌」(Cats do not 'spread brain tumours') 為題撰文,斥責報導容易誤導大眾,也一一提出說明表示該研究證據薄弱。



英國癌症研究中心嚴厲指出,媒體沒有把焦點放在湯瑪斯坦承研究證據不足上,反而全面寫出「養貓讓人罹患腦癌機率倍增」這種標題,非常令人痛心!撰文者Henry 斥責「根本是嚴重扭曲的言論」,還嘲諷說:「實在看不出來這種偉大的標題,對腦瘤病患和其家屬的意義何在?」


到底人類感染弓漿蟲機率有多少?可以先瞭解弓漿蟲的整個生命週期,就會發現機率微乎其微。根據獸醫師林政毅曾經撰文表示,弓漿蟲若是在貓咪腹部繁衍後,排出的卵囊至少要24小時以上的時間,才能發育成具感染能力的芽孢子(sporozoites) 形態。這種形態的芽孢子才具有感染其他溫血動物的能力,具感染能力的芽孢子化卵囊一旦被中間宿主(如:人、老鼠、犬、羊、豬等)食入之後,便會將其內的芽孢子(sporozoites) 釋放出來,芽孢子會穿入腸壁並以分裂快速的裂殖子形式(tachyzoites) 來進行無性增殖,使得芽孢子廣泛地散播於全身並在組織內形成囊體(cyst)。最後還要貓咪「生食」了這些具有弓漿蟲囊體的組織(例如:生肉類食物),才完成了弓漿蟲的整個生活史。因此若人類如果不直接接觸貓咪的糞便,也不吃生肉,感染率極低。

(圖/取自貓藝家療癒系茶館/Sara 拍攝)


原文網址養貓「不會」得腦癌! 英科學家痛批媒體誤導群眾 (1/2)| 寵物新聞 | NOWnews 今日新聞網


2012年4月13日 星期五


【貓貓知識匯總】 >> 【貓之飲食篇】 >> 【一般飲食之知識】


2012年4月12日 星期四

【新闻类】世界最高猫 站立高48公分(简体)

【貓貓資料分類】 >> 【新聞資料類】

美国加州沙加缅度一只叫「麻烦」(Trouble)的家猫,从肩膀到脚掌足足有48公分高,日前被金氏世界纪录认定为「世界上最高的猫」。虽然麻烦身材高大,但只有9公斤重,而且牠性格温顺,饲养的主人玛拉史匹娜(Debby Maraspina)说,牠跟一般的家猫没两样。

Debby Maraspina养了牠3年,
 为 「麻烦」 成名而感到骄傲。






2012年4月11日 星期三

【新手篇】Where to buy a healthy cat?

【貓貓知識匯總】 >> 【貓之新手篇】 >> 【選擇貓貓基本法】

“Are you ready to raise your own cat at home?” A great deal time & thought should be put into this decision. Are you prepared to commit to a cat for its lifetime? So you have decided you are ready to bring a kitten into your life. Making the decision to bring a cat into your life is a very exciting time. But before rushing out to bring your chosen cat home it is important to slow down, take your time and really do your homework. 
There are several places you can obtain a cat from including cat breeders, animal shelters, pet shops, classified ads, veterinary hospital. We will look at the pros and cons of each.

A great option to consider is the shelter. Both purebred mixed breed animals are at shelters although the purebreds do tend to find homes quicker. This is also a cost effective way to adopt a cat through shelter. Cats will leave micro-chipped, vaccinated, de-wormed and flea treated.

There are professional breeders who have devoted many years to breeding their chosen breed of cat. Some breeds of cat can be prone to specific medical issues.  Once you have decided that you want a certain breed, it is a good idea to look up any possible health problems them are prone to investigate whether these conditions can be tested for.  Backyard Breeder/home breeder is another choice for you, you can ask for visiting the breeder's house and seeing the pets in their home environment. Are the conditions clean and sanitary? Do the animals look well cared for? Actually, the situation mostly is quite desirable, since the numbers of cats they need to take care are lesser than those professional breeders.

Pet Shops 
Many people assume that a pet shop is the natural place to buy a pet from. You won't know the history of the parents, and generally won't get follow up support & can often pay considerably more than you would have had you gone to a breeder or shelter. But now, some of the pet shop pay more attention on after sales services, and pet health control, it is really a good news to all cat lovers.

Either online or in newspaper, many people assume that a pet that is free to good home is the cheapest option. This is not always the case, especially with younger animals. Remember you may not be paying for the animal but you will have to pay to have it neutered, micro-chipped, vaccinated etc. This can often end up costing considerably more than had you purchased the animal from a breeder or shelter.

Another good place to check is your nearby veterinary hospital. They often take in homeless or abandoned cats that are looking for a new home. Even if they don't have cats available, they often have bulletin boards where people can list animals looking for a home.

2012年4月10日 星期二


【貓貓知識匯總】 >> 【貓之飲食篇】 >> 【一般飲食之知識】



2012年4月9日 星期一

【訓練篇】貓訓練 : 波斯貓學小狗伎倆 (視頻-英語)

【貓貓知識匯總】 >> 【貓之訓練篇】 >> 【貓貓訓練基本法】


: oh Gosh, I am too lazy to do so~~~

2012年4月8日 星期日

【新聞類】Missey is fairy dog-mother to litter of rescue kittens

【貓貓資料分類】 >> 【新聞資料類】

An RSPCA rescue dog who was hand reared as a puppy is repaying the favor by caring for a litter of kittens saved from being drowned in a drain.

Four shivering week-old kittens were brought into our Hull and East Riding Animal Centre soaking wet and wrapped in a towel by an animal lover who had stopped three youths from dropping them into a drainage ditch.

Missey is fairy dog-mother 
to litter of rescue kittens 
(Photo from RSPCA)

Staff at the center leapt into action to save the tiny black kittens giving them intensive round-the-clock care with bottle feeds every three hours.

When animal care assistant, Carina McLean, took the kittens home with her at night her pet dog Missey decided to lend a paw too.

Lending a helping paw 
(Photo from RSPCA)
Four-year-old Missey, a crossbreed, was bottle-fed by RSPCA staff when her mother rejected her as a puppy. She was taken in by Carina when she was just six weeks old.

Carina said:
"Missey has taken a real shine to them. She cleans them, giving them a good lick all over, a nice wash and brush up.

"She is like a surrogate mum to them. She doesn't mind that they are kittens, she was hand reared herself so she's repaying the favour."

The kittens, two males and two females, were rushed into the animal centre on Wednesday, 26 October by a man who had spotted three youths about to drop them into a drainage ditch.

Named after X Factor judges - 
 Louis, Gary, Kelly and Tulisa!
 (Photo from RSPCA)

Receptionist Amanda Nightingale said:

He walked through the door clutching a bundle. Inside the towel was four kittens.

They were wet and quite dirty. They were so small they didn't have their eyes open.

The man was very upset. He said he had seen three youths trying to drown them. Fortunately he managed to take the kittens off them.

They were really, really lucky. If they had gone into the water they would have died.

When they were first brought in the kittens weighed just 150g.

But thanks to the round-the-clock care from centre staff and Missey the dog, they have doubled their weight over the past five weeks.

Now six weeks old, the gorgeous black kittens have been named after X Factor judges Louis, Gary, Kelly and Tulisa!

They will be ready for rehoming soon once they have put on a bit more weight and been vaccinated and neutered.

Original WebsiteMissey is fairydog-mother to litter of rescue kittens


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