
2012年10月5日 星期五


(图 / 取自NowNews)

这类的猫食以鱼、肉为主要原料,加上氨基乙磺酸、维他命E等养分,含有75%的水分,十分容易消化吸收。因其采罐装,保存期限可长达 l 年。



即使是猫,若在正常用餐时间外加上点心时间,可调整牠的心情。猫专用的饼干或点心具有浓浓的香味,是猫很喜欢的食品。但是,若任牠予取予求,则和人一样,会养成正餐不吃的坏习惯。所以,最好把点心用来当作小猫的训练奖品、妊娠期、生产后或没有食欲之老猫的营养补给品。巧克力等人类常吃的甜食,对猫来说含有太多糖分,并不适合; 而且一吃太多,会造成蛀牙或偏食的后果。


2012年10月4日 星期四

【英文類】How To Identify Signs Of A Pregnant Cat (Video)

【貓貓資料分類】 >> 【英文資料類】


Original Website:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=Iew_5i5Gy8k

2012年10月3日 星期三

【新闻类】美国大胖猫陪男婴长大 0到3岁全纪录(简体)

还记得是谁陪你一起长大吗?美国密执安州一位叫作多米尼克 (Dominic) 的3岁男孩,从出生0岁起,家里的巨猫「马斯」(Maus)就守候在身边。主人用摄影纪录爱猫与儿子0~3岁的情谊,让许多网友看了感动又鼻酸,思念起童年时对自己无怨无悔的宠物玩伴。

(图/Beth Nazario)
(图/Beth Nazario)


(图/Beth Nazario)
(图/Beth Nazario)


(图/Beth Nazario)

(图/Beth Nazario)

(图/Beth Nazario)

(图/Beth Nazario)

(图/Beth Nazario)

(图/Beth Nazario)

(图/Beth Nazario)

(图/Beth Nazario)

(图/Beth Nazario)

(图/Beth Nazario)

(图/Beth Nazario)

(图/Beth Nazario)

2012年10月2日 星期二

【英文類】Cat Myths - Separate Fact From Fiction (1/5)

【貓貓資料分類】 >> 【英文資料類】

If a cat urinates/defecates in the wrong spot, rub it's nose in it.
Not only is rubbing your cat's nose in it's urine/faeces cruel, it serves no constructive purpose. All this type of punishment will do is frighten your cat. A far more constructive method would be to try & find out why the cat has started eliminating outside it's litter tray. Sometimes, owners think they are teaching the cat a lesson by rubbing it's nose in it's urine/faeces & then placing the cat in it's litter tray. The cat will start to associate punishment with it's litter tray & avoid using it all the more. The first stop should be to your cat's vet to rule out a medical problem. If your cat gets a clean bill of health then you will have to try & work out what is preventing your cat from using it's tray. Some possible causes are:
  • The tray is too dirty, easily solved by cleaning the tray out more often.
  • Your cat was ambushed by another cat while in the tray.
  • Your cat doesn't like hooded trays, or alternatively, your cat doesn't like open boxes.
  • Your cat doesn't like the location of the litter tray. Common location problems are...the tray has been placed in a busy area. Cats like privacy when they're on the loo. Because cats are vulnerable when they are going to the toilet, they like to ensure they have an escape route, therefore some (but not all) cats will refuse to use a tray for this reason.

Cats can have cow's milk
While a lot of cats love to drink cow's milk, it's not recommended. Many cats are lactose intolerant & giving them milk will result in them getting an upset tummy. This is especially dangerous in kittens who can dehydrate quickly.
An adult cat doesn't need to drink milk at all. If you must give your cat milk, it is recommended you purchase special "cat's milk" which has been specifically formulated for cats to drink.

Cats can have fish
It is perfectly fine to give your cat the occasional treat of fish, but it should not become a part of their regular diet. Feeding too much fish can lead to Yellow Fat Disease (steatitis), caused by Vitamin E deficiency. Cats require taurine in their diet & fish doesn't provide this in sufficient amounts.

When you move house, put butter on your cat's paws to stop it from roaming & getting lost.
Putting butter on your cat's paws won't stop it from getting lost when it moves to a new home. The safest bet is to keep your cat either exclusively indoors or allow it to go out in a purpose built cat enclosure. If you absolutely must let your cat go outdoors, hold off for 2-3 weeks. Before letting your cat out, ensure it has a microchip & the details are current. You could also buy some Feliway (available from your veterinarian) & spray this around the house. Feliway is a synthetic pheromone which help calm anxious cats.

2012年10月1日 星期一


社群不只能找小学同学、交友恋爱、帮企业发展业务,还可以用它找回失散的宠物!加拿大一只猫咪自己开门溜出阳台失踪,女主人印了800多张传单、贴了30张大型海报都苦寻不着,最后竟在Facebook 上找到了爱猫。长达5个月的分离,终于在2011年圣诞节前夕团聚了!

透过Facebook 找到的猫「Tito」与她的主人
女主人劳拉(Laura LaChance) 与爱猫「Tito」,住在加拿大新斯科舍省的比佛班客镇 (Beaver Bank, Nova Scotia), 2011年 7月时,Tito 不知道为什么学会开窗子,竟然从主人3楼高的公寓逃了出去,从此失去踪迹。

劳拉心急地印了800张宣传手册、30张大型海报,并提供1000美元(约新台币3万多元) 的赏金来找猫,可惜遍寻不着。不死心的她开始搜索网络上大大小小的宠物协寻网站,直到在Facebook 加入一个「失猫招领」的社团。

这个「失猫招领」Facebook社团是由一名叫做翠西 (Tracey Galusha) 的女子所成立,拥有1400多个成员加入。因为她自己也有养猫,无法想象当牠们失踪时饲主该怎么办,于是建了这个社团,并确保被救援的流浪猫绝育后,再帮忙找原主人或找新家。

不久前,翠西刚好在哈利法克斯机场 (Halifax Stanfield International Airport) 外围的饭店附近,诱捕了一只流浪猫,这只猫正是「Tito」。当翠西把照片贴上Facebook社团后,劳拉立刻认出了牠,马上前往翠西家将爱猫接回。

劳拉说,5个月来从没有放弃寻找Tito,原本很盼望在自己生日前能够找回,可惜这个生日愿望当时没有达成,「不过却在圣诞节之前跟Tito 团圆了,这是最棒的耶诞礼物!」她感动的说「如果没有翠西,这个奇迹不可能发生。」

据悉,Tito 的状况良好,只不过牠原住处比佛班客镇 (Beaver Bank) 距离哈利法克斯机场有大约25.1公里,就算是成人也要走5个多小时。没有任何人知道牠是怎么走到那里,更不知道这5个月来是怎么生活。



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