
2012年7月7日 星期六


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近来国际媒体纷纷报导一则关于「养猫恐致脑癌」的新闻,指出法国科学家研究发现,猫咪腹部若感染弓浆虫(Toxoplasma gondii),一旦传染给人类恐致脑癌,引发爱猫人恐慌。不过「英国癌症研究中心」(Cancer Research UK) 也立即告诉大众「免惊啦!」还说:该研究其实证据薄弱,而这样的报导标题不但误导人,也会严重影响养猫脑癌患者的心情,猫咪更是何其无辜!

近来英国《每日邮报》及各家大陆媒体纷纷报导,「猫咪可能害人类饲主得到脑瘤?」这样研究来自于「法国国家科学研究中心」(CNRS) 的科学家佛莱德瑞克‧托马斯(Frederic Thomas)。他在全球多个地区收集弓浆虫感染资料,以及各地的脑癌病例,结果发现,弓浆虫感染较普遍的地区,罹患脑癌的人数也较高,他相信弓形虫与脑癌有一定关系。


(图/取自春丽-Flickr: chunli duan)

不过「英国癌症研究中心」(Cancer Research UK) 在看了报导后,立即跳出来驳斥。他们以「猫不会传染脑癌」(Cats do not 'spread brain tumours') 为题撰文,斥责报导容易误导大众,也一一提出说明表示该研究证据薄弱。



英国癌症研究中心严厉指出,媒体没有把焦点放在托马斯坦承研究证据不足上,反而全面写出「养猫让人罹患脑癌机率倍增」这种标题,非常令人痛心!撰文者Henry 斥责「根本是严重扭曲的言论」,还嘲讽说:「实在看不出来这种伟大的标题,对脑瘤病患和其家属的意义何在?」


到底人类感染弓浆虫机率有多少?可以先了解弓浆虫的整个生命周期,就会发现机率微乎其微。根据兽医师林政毅曾经撰文表示,弓浆虫若是在猫咪腹部繁衍后,排出的卵囊至少要24小时以上的时间,才能发育成具感染能力的芽孢子(sporozoites) 形态。这种形态的芽孢子才具有感染其他温血动物的能力,具感染能力的芽孢子化卵囊一旦被中间宿主(如:人、老鼠、犬、羊、猪等)食入之后,便会将其内的芽孢子(sporozoites) 释放出来,芽孢子会穿入肠壁并以分裂快速的裂殖子形式(tachyzoites) 来进行无性增殖,使得芽孢子广泛地散播于全身并在组织内形成囊体(cyst)。最后还要猫咪「生食」了这些具有弓浆虫囊体的组织(例如:生肉类食物),才完成了弓浆虫的整个生活史。因此若人类如果不直接接触猫咪的粪便,也不吃生肉,感染率极低。

(图/取自猫艺家疗愈系茶馆/Sara 拍摄)

原文网址: 养猫「不会」得脑癌! 英科学家痛批媒体误导群众 (第1页/共2页)| 宠物新闻 | NOWnews 今日新闻网


2012年7月6日 星期五

【英文類】30-pound wonder cat wows SPCA (News)

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The Fredericton SPCA is fundraising to help Tiny the cat live up to his name.

Margo Bird, the executive director of the Fredericton SPCA, said Tiny was dropped off in a box on Dec. 30.

But she said staff members originally assumed the box contained a donation of office supplies or pet food. Until the box meowed.

“Lo and behold, there was our 30-pound wonder. Tiny and another normal-size cat Rapunzel, he was tucked underneath Tiny. So, I think, they were happy to get out of the box, to say the least,” Bird said.

Tiny is a friendly male with long grey fur and green eyes and, the SPCA says, he weighed 13.5 kilograms when he was dropped off.

(Photo from CBCnews) 

Tiny is the largest cat they have ever seen at the Fredericton SPCA. He is three times the size of an average cat. Bird and others are concerned about the cat’s health.

Obesity is a risk factor for feline diabetes, breathing problems and arthritis.

They plan to put him on a diet once they find something he's willing to eat.

“At the moment he is not eating, so we are desperately trying to find a food that Tiny will eat, because when a feline does not eat that has life threatening repercussions as well,” she said.

Tiny moved to a foster home on Thursday and a local veterinarian has volunteered to monitor his diet free of charge.

The Fredericton SPCA has launched a weight loss challenge to help fundraise to pay for Tiny’s food.

The canned cat food is estimated to cost $4 to $5 per day.

Original Website: '30-pound wonder' cat wows SPCA

I have a good body shape, no need to put me on diet

2012年7月5日 星期四

【趣闻类】你会选择那种宠物?还是....... (简体)

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2012年7月4日 星期三

【生育篇】How Long Are Cats Pregnant?

【貓貓知識匯總】 >> 【貓之生育篇】 >> 【貓發情懷孕分娩】

Average Of 65 Days Is How Long Cats Are Pregnant For!
Pregnancy in cats lasts about nine weeks, but during the first half of that time a typical expectant cat gives few clues that she is pregnant. She hunts, rests, and generally behaves normally.

Under the influence of progesterone, the hormone of pregnancy, and with an ever increasing weight in her abdomen, she soon moderates her behavior, gradually reducing her activity level and resting more.

Is my cat pregnant?
If you think your cat might be pregnant,first check her nipples. These become more prominent and pinker by three weeks of gestation. By four to five weeks after conception, your vet will be able to feel golf-ball sized swellings in her abdomen. At this time the developing fetuses are usually quite easy to count. Shortly afterward, her belly becomes a visibly enlarged.

Unless you're breeding your cat chances are you won't know your cat is pregnant until she is well along in the gestation period. The mother doesn't begin to bulge noticeably until a couple of weeks before delivery time.

Cat Pregnancy Symptoms!
It may take up to two to three weeks after conception for the signs to truly begin to show themselves but with the proper attention paid to your queen being able to diagnose pregnancy in your cat. Here are a few signs for you to keep an eye out for:

1. Her Nipples are Pink in Color
One of the main symptoms of a pregnant cat is a change in her nipples. A pregnant cat will have pink nipples after the first few weeks of pregnancy. If you see pink, you only have about six weeks to wait until the kittens arrive if she is pregnant, so seeing a veterinarian is of the essence!

2. She Turns into a Sweetheart
Pregnant cats are a great deal more loving than they would normally be. They become a great deal quieter, less interested in other cats-especially male ones. Her heat cycle will have stopped at this point and she probably won't care to spend much time outside if any. The more time that she wants to spend with you, the more apparent her pregnancy should be.
She may not look pregnant at first, but if your cat is becoming a little chunky that is one of the surefire signs of pregnancy. This is one of the most important symptoms of a pregnant cat, because if she isn't gaining any weight and continues to remain the same size all of the other signs are out the door. The gain in weight may be slow at first, but as time goes on it will get quicker and quicker until she is all belly. If she is in fact carrying kittens it should not be too difficult to observe after a few weeks have gone by.

3. She Has a Ravenous Appetite
If your cat is pregnant she will definitely want to eat more. Humans eat for two; cats eight for five, or six, or seven or eight sometimes. This doesn't mean that you have to feed her eight times the food but she does need more food and at a higher plane of nutrition. Regular cat food mixed with nutritious kitten food should give her all that she needs to be healthy and nurture the little lives growing inside her. While you want to make sure to have food available at all times for her it is important not to over feed her. The closer she gets to pregnancy, her appetite will begin to decrease a bit.

2012年7月3日 星期二


【貓貓知識匯總】 >> 【貓之生活篇】 >> 【貓貓之逗貓遊戲】

2011年底英国网站SUCK UK 推出一款创意「DJ 唱盘猫抓板」,老唱盘造型、加上充满街头味的贴纸,圆板部分还真能像唱片一样转动,让猫咪上去「磨爪」时,就像DJ 在刮唱盘般可爱!日本一名人气部落客也买来给家里猫咪们玩,并发表开箱文,分享爱猫们当起DJ 的逗趣模样



这款猫抓板在网络上发表后大受欢迎,目前也引进到日本。在当地的人气猫家族「年糕与长崎蛋糕」,也买了一组给家里的猫咪们玩,并写下「开箱文」跟大家分享。好奇的猫咪们果真伸出猫爪,像DJ 刮盘一样在上面小试身手;甚至还有只大猫直接站到唱盘上,非常逗趣。

让我们欢迎「猫DJ ──Hijiki (ひじき)」


「DJ 唱盘猫抓板」原要价15英镑 (约新台币700元),到了日本却要卖¥3,680 日圆 (约新台币1400元),整整贵了2倍!

不过根据动物行为专家戴更基医师在过去讲座中分享,猫抓板的纹路最好是「直条纹」,比较符合猫咪磨爪的需求。一般坊间往往都卖横条纹的猫抓板,其实并不是非常符合「猫爪功学」。因此这项老唱盘造型的产品,其实是趣味性大过于实用性,猫奴们要是喜欢又有多余的预算,想看一看家里宝贝变成DJ 的模样也无伤大雅!

原文网址: 「唱盘猫抓板」大受欢迎 日本人气猫家族变DJ! | ETtoday宠物动物新闻 | ETtoday 新闻云 


2012年7月2日 星期一

【新聞類】Pawcasso kittens create art to raise money for abandoned pets

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Stray cats in Australia are now being found a new loving home, all paid for with paintings that would make Picasso proud.

Mini the kitten is just one of those who are creating artworks by walking across canvas with paint on their paws to help raise money to save other abandoned pets.

Louise Clayton and daughter Tegan Ellis, 21, from Wagga Wagga, in New South Wales, allow their cats to express themselves with paint, creating rescue cat art to help pay vet bills for the many animals they have saved.

They have already rescued 12 cats, three dogs and seven birds.

(Photo from Daily Mail)
(Photo from Daily Mail) 
(Photo from Daily Mail) 
(Photo from Daily Mail) 
(Photo from Daily Mail) 
(Photo from Daily Mail) 

'When we see advertised free to good home cats and kittens we pick them up. We intend on finding them homes but we end up keeping them,' Ms Ellis said.

With the help of the kittens, they have created six rescue cat art works since coming up with the idea last week.

'I just thought it was something different and something people would be interested in,' Ms Ellis said.
'This is abstract and colourful and a bit unique.'

Ms Ellis said three recently rescued kittens, Mouse - who someone wanted to buy for snake bait - Sabu and Mini are the main participants in the art sessions.

'We put paint out for them and they walk across, and they play with balls we put out. It's just a bit messy. Once they finish they just wander off.'

Original WebsiteMove over Damien Hirst: Pawcasso kittens create art to raise money for abandoned pets  

Is that so-called Abstract impressionism? or All in a mess?   

2012年7月1日 星期日

【生活篇】如何DIY貓公寓? (視頻-英語)

【貓貓知識匯總】 >> 【貓之生活篇】 >> 【貓貓之飼養用品】


Original Website:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X9WNam-L2tI&feature=relmfu



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