
2012年6月30日 星期六

【飲食篇】Foods which cats cannot eat-5

【貓貓知識匯總】 >> 【貓之飲食篇】 >> 【一般飲食之知識】
When those cat owners bring their baby kitten back home, they may think that milk should be the best food for their baby kitten, since they are fed by their mother cat after born. In fact, many cats may have diarrhea after drinking milk or dairy products ~~~

Small amounts of liver are fine to eat, but if fed too often it can result in Vitamin A toxicosis.
While this won't kill your cat, some cats are lactose intolerant & drinking cow's milk will cause a tummy upset. 
Weaned cats no longer need to drink milk, however if you do want to give your cat some milk as an occasional treat them the best solution is to buy some cat milk from your pet shop.
Cats are sensitive to MSG, food sensitivity reaction will occur within 48 hours. Symptoms similar to epileptic seizures.
There are many types of mushrooms which are poisonous. While dogs are far more likely to eat mushrooms than cats, it is advised you avoid giving your cats any type of mushrooms to be on the safe side.

2012年6月29日 星期五


【貓貓知識匯總】 >> 【貓之新手篇】 >> 【孕婦與貓之關系】

※作者Grace,部落格「やさしい時間、 やさしい生活」擁有近千萬人氣,紀錄一個閒妻涼母 + 兩隻貓 + 一個小人兒的不無聊生活,清新溫暖的紀錄風格讓她擁有一批粉絲。




答:KIKI和BUBU每天都在家,也沒有跳蚤,反而是經常出門的我們,容易帶病菌或髒汙回家,所以只要我把居家環境打掃乾淨了,不管有沒有懷孕,我都讓KIKI 和BUBU 上床陪我睡覺。









2012年6月28日 星期四

【英文類】Missey is fairy dog-mother to litter of rescue kittens (News)

【貓貓資料分類】 >> 【英文資料類】

An RSPCA rescue dog who was hand reared as a puppy is repaying the favor by caring for a litter of kittens saved from being drowned in a drain.

Four shivering week-old kittens were brought into our Hull and East Riding Animal Centre soaking wet and wrapped in a towel by an animal lover who had stopped three youths from dropping them into a drainage ditch.

Missey is fairy dog-mother 
to litter of rescue kittens 
(Photo from RSPCA)

Staff at the center leapt into action to save the tiny black kittens giving them intensive round-the-clock care with bottle feeds every three hours.

When animal care assistant, Carina McLean, took the kittens home with her at night her pet dog Missey decided to lend a paw too.

Lending a helping paw 
(Photo from RSPCA)
Four-year-old Missey, a crossbreed, was bottle-fed by RSPCA staff when her mother rejected her as a puppy. She was taken in by Carina when she was just six weeks old.

Carina said:
"Missey has taken a real shine to them. She cleans them, giving them a good lick all over, a nice wash and brush up.

"She is like a surrogate mum to them. She doesn't mind that they are kittens, she was hand reared herself so she's repaying the favour."

The kittens, two males and two females, were rushed into the animal centre on Wednesday, 26 October by a man who had spotted three youths about to drop them into a drainage ditch.

Named after X Factor judges - 
 Louis, Gary, Kelly and Tulisa!
 (Photo from RSPCA)

Receptionist Amanda Nightingale said:

He walked through the door clutching a bundle. Inside the towel was four kittens.

They were wet and quite dirty. They were so small they didn't have their eyes open.

The man was very upset. He said he had seen three youths trying to drown them. Fortunately he managed to take the kittens off them.

They were really, really lucky. If they had gone into the water they would have died.

When they were first brought in the kittens weighed just 150g.

But thanks to the round-the-clock care from centre staff and Missey the dog, they have doubled their weight over the past five weeks.

Now six weeks old, the gorgeous black kittens have been named after X Factor judges Louis, Gary, Kelly and Tulisa!

They will be ready for rehoming soon once they have put on a bit more weight and been vaccinated and neutered.

Original WebsiteMissey is fairydog-mother to litter of rescue kittens

2012年6月27日 星期三


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2012年6月26日 星期二

【新聞類】Friendship from Birth – Kitty & Baby

【貓貓資料分類】 >> 【新聞資料類】

Maus the kitty met Dominic for the first time after he was born. From that day on, he knew the little baby would become his best friend for life. This is how their friendship began.

Best buddies~
(Photo/Beth Nazario)
Best friends forever~
(Photo/Beth Nazario)

My playmate~
(Photo/Beth Nazario)
Always accompany me~
(Photo/Beth Nazario)

Dominic’s mom Beth N. documented this adorable bond between Maus and the baby on her flickr. Maus watched his human buddy grow and learn to crawl and walk and is always there to keep him company. This series of below photos may just send you into a diabetic coma.

Newly born
(Photo/Beth Nazario)

1 month old
(Photo/Beth Nazario)

3 months old
(Photo/Beth Nazario)

4 months old
(Photo/Beth Nazario)

5 months old
(Photo/Beth Nazario)

6 months old
( Photo/Beth Nazario)

7 months old
(Photo/Beth Nazario)

9 months old
(Photo/Beth Nazario)

11 months old
( Photo/Beth Nazario)

2 years old
(Photo/Beth Nazario)

3 years old
(Photo/Beth Nazario)

Deep Kiss~
( Photo/Beth Nazario)

2012年6月25日 星期一


【貓貓資料分類】 >> 【貓網站資料】

l   香港愛貓救世軍由9712月一個推介領養小貓的網頁開始,由一眾熱心貓友聯繫組成,彼此共享愛貓情誼,更並肩為貓兒謀褔祉。
l   救貓、撿貓、醫貓、送貓的「日常」運作,各「單位」都是自負己責,在工餘課外盡所能量力而為。
l   994月本會在香港特別行政區註冊成為慈善團體。
l   推廣、聯繫、促進及提倡一切有關流浪、受棄置或虐待貓隻之福利事宜。
l   推行公民教育,以加強寵物飼主的責任感、鼓勵動物領養及反對任意繁殖。
l   參與成立、贊助、支援及商議愛貓護理中心、中途宿舍及其他有關流浪、受棄置或虐待貓隻設施。
l   組織義工參與各項有關流浪、受棄置或虐待貓隻之福利工作。
l   電話熱線 ---- +852 9431 9461
l   領養服務
l   貓舍
l   愛心絕育計劃
l   寵物雜誌專欄
l   公民教育

2012年6月24日 星期日

【新聞類】'Cat' scan a life-saver

【貓貓資料分類】 >> 【新聞資料類】

As far as cat scans go, it was pretty low-tech. But, it was accurate.Janet Batten was perplexed when her 13-pound orange and white tabby took a sudden and persistent interest in her head.
The Toms Brook resident and her husband Charles had gotten Noah, the 8 1⁄2-year-old cat, from a neighbor when he was just a kitten.  

(Photo from nvdaily.com)

"Noah stays out in my little hobby shop," said Batten, 73.
The feline likes to sit on her desk when she uses the computer, she said.
"He was constantly smelling my head on the right side, in the front, and in my eye and in my nose," Batten said. "Sometimes he would really push to get into my head.
"He would do that and then he would sit back and he would give me a look that I had never seen before. After a while, I began to ask him, 'Is there something wrong up there?' He would just make this sound that I had never heard before. I began to get very suspicious."
Batten started having trouble with her eye, and visited her primary care doctor and then an opthamologist, and nothing was found.
Last August, about six months after Noah's strange behavior began, Batten suffered a mini-stroke and atrial fibrillation, an irregular heartbeat. A CT scan revealed she had a brain aneurysm.
"So, I now have platinum wire in my head," Batten said. "Noah doesn't bother [me] anymore. He was trying to tell me that something's wrong up there."

(Photo from nvdaily.com)
Noah's diagnostic skills were recognized Feb. 25 when he was awarded the Animal Hero Award at the Virginia Veterinary Conference at the Hotel Roanoke.
He was nominated by Dr. Bruce Coston.
Coston said Batten shared the story with him when she brought Noah in for vaccines at his practice, Seven Bends Veterinary Hospital.
When he was on the board of the Virginia Veterinary Medical Association, Coston suggested giving out animal awards after having seen a similar citation in South Carolina.
"Most of the time, these are dogs," he said. "Because Noah the cat had been alerting his mom that something was wrong...she was aggressive in seeking treatment."

Besides some extra treats, Noah's only reward is knowing he helped his owner.
Batten offered some advice to other animal lovers.
"I would hope that other pet owners pay attention when their animals are trying to tell them something," she said.

Original Website: http://www.nvdaily.com/news/2012/03/cat-scan-a-life-saver.php


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