
2013年4月6日 星期六

【简体类】养猫必须小心门窗安全 (2/2)

【貓貓資料分類】 >> 【簡體資料類】 


 另一款,安全 1吋半窗框,再加不锈钢网,不锈钢网可拆下清洗。



由于没有地方可以绑上 cable tie 索带,可以用强力负重贴纸 配上挂钩巩固。

强力负重贴纸,注明可以负重 5磅


另外,门的开关要加上锁,以防强风 / 被猫抓开。

 市面上有一种叫 "角度锁",安装后可以限制开窗的距离。




2013年4月4日 星期四

【简体类】养猫必须小心门窗安全 (1/2)

【貓貓資料分類】 >> 【簡體資料類】 



窗框空隙 2 吋,如果家中所养是成猫,已经很安全;但如果是小猫,要再自行安装格子网,待幼猫成长后,再解除格仔网,如下图:




其他窗网款式 :




2013年3月7日 星期四

【简体类】纽约酒店「猫公关」 被法令限制行动(新闻)

【貓貓資料分類】 >> 【簡體資料類】 

美国纽约市的阿尔冈大饭店(Algonquin Hotel)70年来都有「猫公关」坐镇,在饭店内四处巡视、在柜台跟客人交际,已成为一个可爱的传统。不过碍于卫生署法令规定,现在第三代公关猫必须被限制行动,只能栓在柜台旁的沙发床,好在牠的适应力良好,不排斥牵绳。

猫公关「玛提达三世(Matilda III)」被限制行动,
阿尔冈饭店是纽约市的著名地标之一,游客提到它,都会联想到它们可爱的「猫公关」传统!饭店跟猫的缘分是从70年前 (公元1930起,有一只饥肠辘辘的小猫跑进去找食物,老板Frank Case没有将牠赶走,反而十分欢迎这只「小小猫旅客」留下来,供牠吃住,还替牠取名叫「玛提达(Matilda)」。

没想到「玛提达」受到许多旅客喜爱,俨然成了饭店的招牌「公关猫」。直到牠过世后,很快地又有一只猫旅客「玛提达二世 (Matilda II)」住进来,一样受到客人的热爱!
猫公关「玛提达二世」 (Matilda II) 行动自由。

然而现在的「玛提达三世(Matilda III)」就没那么自由了!碍于当地卫生署的最新规定,任何有供应食品的营业场所,不得有「动物」进出。所以饭店现在只好将「玛提达三世」拴起来,并为牠准备一个沙发床,现在牠只能在柜台边出没。

(图/Jonathan D. Woods / msnbc.com)
第三代猫公关现在只能在柜台出没,迎接客人Check im
(图/Jonathan D. Woods / msnbc.com)


2013年2月16日 星期六

【英文類】Cat Myths - Separate Fact From Fiction (5/5)

【貓貓資料分類】 >> 【英文資料類】

Devon Rexes, Cornish Rexes & Sphyx's are hypoallergenic
In truth, a rex cat is no different from any other cat and produces allergen like all other cats. They are not hypoallergenic by any means, as claimed by some. Then why do some people seem to have no allergic reaction to rex cats? There is no simple answer to this question at this time, and more research is required to get the answers needed. One possible hypothesis is that as rex cats have less hair to shed, they simply deposit less allergen-laced hair around the home. But, whatever the reasons some allergic people seem to tolerate them. From personal studies and observations by Margaret Lawrence in the UK, she found that around 10% of people allergic to cats tolerate rex cats. Please, before you race out and look for a rex cat, remember you should always test your allergies by visiting home or catteries that only own rex cats, and test continuously over several weeks or months. As you don't want the poor little kitten to be re-homed if you find out you are allergic to him or her. Don't let your new cat become another statistic at a shelter.

Indoor cats cannot get diseases/parasites
Many viral/bacterial infections are airborne & can be carried into your house  through the air or on a person's clothing. Fleas & other parasites can also be brought in via a person's clothing.

Pregnant women shouldn't own cats
If a woman hasn't had prior exposure to Toxoplasmosis & becomes infected during pregnancy, it can harm her unborn baby. Cats are the natural host for Toxoplasmosis, however Toxoplasmosis can also be acquired from eating undercooked meat, improperly washed vegetables or gardening. I was tested for Toxoplasmosis throughout my recent pregnancy & remained negative even though I was living with 9 cats, one of whom had tested positive for Toxoplasmosis. Pregnant women should take precautions such as avoiding cleaning the litter tray, ensuring their meat is thoroughly cooked, washing vegetables properly & wearing gloves while gardening. There is no need to get rid of your cat just because you're pregnant.

Putting bells on a cat's collar will stop it catching mice & birds
This theory has been around for hundreds of years. I used to put bells on my cat's collars, in fact Eliot, who was my best hunter had three bells on her collar at one point & it did absolutely nothing to stop her catching the wildlife. In fact, there is new research to indicate that cats who have had bells put on their collars are better at catching prey. This is because they learn to move without  the bell making a sound & therefore they are stealthier.
For further information on putting bells on cat's collars, read this article. Cats Indoors.

All cats hate water
Most cats hate water but not all. Turkish Van's are known to be fond of water & enjoy swimming. My Bengal also likes to play with water, although I can't imagine him ever wanting to go swimming in it. I've known of other Bengal cats who enjoy playing with water also.

Siamese cats are mean
This myth came about in part from the movie The Lady & the Tramp where the Siamese cat is portrayed in less than a glowing light. In my opinion, temperament is a result of genetics & socialisation. If a cat is raised in a loving environment, the chances are they will grow up into well adjusted & loving pets. If the myth were true that Siamese cats are mean, I'm sure they wouldn't be one of the world's most popular breeds of cat. 


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