
2012年5月12日 星期六

【新聞類】虎斑貓不斷鼻聞頭部 提醒主人罹患動脈瘤

【貓貓資料分類】 >> 【新聞資料類】


虎斑貓諾亞(Noah)年幼時,被飼主巴頓(Janet Batten)收養,現在已經8歲半大。巴頓指出,「諾亞最喜歡趁著我在用電腦時,窩在辦公桌上,但是有一天牠突然開始不斷聞我的頭部右側、眼睛和鼻子,有時還會加上推擠,當做完這些舉動,牠就會休息,然後用一種從沒見過的眼神望著我,如果我問『是不是發生什麼事情了』,牠就會發出一種沒聽過的聲音回應」。


這個特殊的診斷能力也讓諾亞在維吉尼亞州的獸醫大會上獲得「動物英雄獎」殊榮,提名者Bruce Coston醫生指出,諾亞不斷想要提醒牠的主人身體出現異狀,進而讓巴頓積極尋求治療。所以才授予此獎項。


原文網址虎斑貓不斷鼻聞頭部 提醒主人罹患動脈瘤 | ETtoday寵物動物新聞 | ETtoday 新聞雲

2012年5月11日 星期五


【貓貓知識匯總】 >> 【貓之飲食篇】 >> 【一般飲食之知識】


2012年5月10日 星期四

【新手篇】How to choose a healthy cat?

【貓貓知識匯總】 >> 【貓之新手篇】 >> 【選擇貓貓基本法】

After you make the decision to bring a cat into your life, the next question will be… how to choose a healthy cat? Below mentioned items may give you some hints and tips on this.
Buy or Adopt a cat
No matter you decided to buy or adopt a cat, it is a decision that you have to take care your cat whole life long. As I already mentioned in my previous article “Where to buy a healthy cat?” You may get some ideas where to buy your cat. Another good place to check is your local veterinary surgery. They often take in homeless or abandoned cats which are looking for a new home. But medical check for your cat is a must; no matter you bring your cat home from anywhere.

Breed issue
Before rushing out to bring your chosen cat home it is important to slow down, take your time and really do your homework on cat breeds.  Some breeds of cat can be prone to specific medical issues.  Once you have decided that you want a certain breed, it is a good idea to look up any possible health problems them are prone to investigate whether these conditions can be tested for.  You also need to consider local weather is suitable for you chosen cat or not?

Basic health check
  • Eyes: Eyes should be bright & clear with no discharge and infected.
  • Ears: Ears should be clean with no discharge.
  • Nose: Nose should be a bit wet and bright with no discharge.
  • Mouth: Should be clean around the mouth, with no discharge.
  • Teeth: White teeth with pink gum without bad breath.
  • Coat: Coat should look smooth, soft and feel healthy, have no sign of parasites such as fleas.
  • Anal: no discharge, the coat near anal should not be contaminated with fecal residue.
  • Belly: Should be plump but not too thin or round. A pot belly can be an indication of worms.
  • Body: With solid muscle, no have rash. Do not choose kittens with runny nose, tears.
Appearance and response
It is good if you can take a look at the mother cat and the other cats in the same nest, because you can check the cat parents' condition is good or not, it will directly affect the physical condition of the next generation of kittens. You also can check the kitten's growth status, physical condition and its appetite. It may be your good choice to choose a cat with lively love action, responsive, look alert, and interact well with its siblings and you. Hold the cat and feel its weight, too light or too heavy will not be a good sign of a healthy kitten.
It may be your good choice to choose me with lovely character, and look smart~Meow~Meow~

2012年5月9日 星期三


【貓貓資料分類】 >> 【新聞資料類】

2011年底英国网站SUCK UK 推出一款创意「DJ 唱盘猫抓板」,老唱盘造型、加上充满街头味的贴纸,圆板部分还真能像唱片一样转动,让猫咪上去「磨爪」时,就像DJ 在刮唱盘般可爱!日本一名人气部落客也买来给家里猫咪们玩,并发表开箱文,分享爱猫们当起DJ 的逗趣模样



这款猫抓板在网络上发表后大受欢迎,目前也引进到日本。在当地的人气猫家族「年糕与长崎蛋糕」,也买了一组给家里的猫咪们玩,并写下「开箱文」跟大家分享。好奇的猫咪们果真伸出猫爪,像DJ 刮盘一样在上面小试身手;甚至还有只大猫直接站到唱盘上,非常逗趣。

让我们欢迎「猫DJ ──Hijiki (ひじき)」


「DJ 唱盘猫抓板」原要价15英镑 (约新台币700元),到了日本却要卖¥3,680 日圆 (约新台币1400元),整整贵了2倍!

不过根据动物行为专家戴更基医师在过去讲座中分享,猫抓板的纹路最好是「直条纹」,比较符合猫咪磨爪的需求。一般坊间往往都卖横条纹的猫抓板,其实并不是非常符合「猫爪功学」。因此这项老唱盘造型的产品,其实是趣味性大过于实用性,猫奴们要是喜欢又有多余的预算,想看一看家里宝贝变成DJ 的模样也无伤大雅!

原文网址: 「唱盘猫抓板」大受欢迎 日本人气猫家族变DJ! | ETtoday宠物动物新闻 | ETtoday 新闻云 


2012年5月8日 星期二

【英文類】Black cat that came back after disappeared 4 years ago (News)

【貓貓資料分類】 >> 【英文資料類】

The owners of a cat that went missing four years ago got a late Christmas present when they were reunited with her the day after Boxing Day.
Willow, who is now 10 years old, disappeared after being let out to play from her home in Princetown, Devon, in 2007.
The black cat was one of three that vanished from the same close in the town on Dartmoor within months of each other.

(Photo from Daily Mail)
While one of them turned up in Taunton, Somerset, Willow was finally found in Plymouth. 'It’s really only sinking in now, but it’s the best Christmas present ever,' owner Cristel Worth said. 'How she managed to stray from Princetown to about 20 miles away, to get to Elburton, I have no idea. It’s a long journey right across the moors.'

(Photo from Daily Mail)
Willow was taken in six months ago by a family from the Elburton area of Plymouth, until a space became available at a nearby animal rescue centre.
But it was not until last week that the Gables Farm Dogs’ and Cats’ Home in Plymouth finally identified her thanks to an implanted microchip.

(Photo from Daily Mail)
(Photo from Daily Mail)

Original Website: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2081308/The-cat-came-Owners-overjoyed-reunited-pet-disappeared-years-ago.html

2012年5月7日 星期一


【貓貓資料分類】 >> 【新聞資料類】

为了照顾小孩却牺牲掉睡眠时间,隔天还要顶着熊猫眼上班的新手爸妈们,您累了吗?在美国加州有一位新手爸爸Matthew Nifield,发明了催眠宝宝安稳入睡的应用程序─「White Noise Ambiance」〈自然环境噪音〉,可以让新手父母下载到iPad和iPhone上,一推出立即受到全球新生儿父母的青睐,还因此替自己带来了意外的收益。

每天为了哄小孩入睡,导致自己每晚都睡不好,想必是不少新手爸妈们所苦恼的问题。在美国加州拥有一对双胞胎女儿,现年33岁的新手爸爸Matthew Nifield也有同样的困扰,不过他则是「化忧郁为创意」,他发现好像有一些特别的声音出现时,女儿们就会开始出现打哈欠的现象,于是他开始着手录制不同的声音进行测试。




现在这些声音已经制作成「White Noise Ambience」的应用程序,已经有许多疲惫不堪的父母们趋之若鹜下载到iPad和iPhone,而这一项发明也让Matthew荷包满满,一年就能赚进六万英镑。

原文网址【什么!猫咪咕噜声 替美新手爸年赚台币两百八十万元?】 (第1页/共2页)| 宠物 | NOWnews 今日新闻网


2012年5月6日 星期日

【英文類】Cat Training: Teach a Cat to Lie Down and Roll Over (Video)

【貓貓資料分類】 >> 【英文資料類】

: It's not easy for me~~~


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