
2012年7月14日 星期六

【英文類】Same thing with different angles(Graphic)

【貓貓資料分類】 >> 【英文資料類】

A dog thinks: Hey, these people I live with feed me, love me, 

provide me with a nice warm, dry house, pet me, and take good care of me... 

They must be Gods! 

A cat thinks: Hey, these people I live with feed me,

 love me, provide me with a nice warm, dry house, pet me, and take good care of me... 

I must be a God!


For dog, that's called "Shake hand", but for cat, that's called "hold my hand"!!!

2012年7月13日 星期五


【貓貓知識匯總】 >> 【貓之生活篇】 >> 【貓貓之洗澡護理】



接著以大毛巾輕輕地將皮毛上的水份吸乾,用越多條越好,因為可以縮短吹風機的使用時間,並滴用不含類固醇的抗生素眼藥水於貓的眼睛來預防眼睛的感染,接著以洗耳水灌入貓的耳朵內並按摩一下耳道,然後讓貓甩頭,接著以衛生紙擦拭耳朵外部,這樣可以預防耳朵的感染,然後以毛巾將貓的頭部蓋住,便開始使用吹風機來吹乾後半部的皮毛,調整在慢速的熱風,最好能邊吹邊梳,然後再慢慢地往頭部吹乾,頭部可以用大量的衛生紙擦乾即可, 接著,就把貓關入籠內,然後開個暖氣,讓它自行清理即可,附帶一點,於洗澡前最好先將貓指甲減短,以避免受傷,整個洗澡的過程中應保持安靜。






2012年7月12日 星期四

【英文類】How To Stop Your Cat Scratching The Furniture

【貓貓資料分類】 >> 【英文資料類】

Why do cats scratch?
(Photo from Cat-World
Scratching (also known as stropping) is a normal behavior in cats. Unfortunately some cats can cause countless headaches for their owners by scratching household furnishings, which leads to damage & great expense. Scratching of furniture is a leading cause of cats being surrendered to shelters.
This article aims to teach cat owners why cats scratch & how to train your cat to redirect the scratching to a more appropriate object.
Cats scratch for a couple of reasons. Predominantly it it to sharpen the claws. Scratching also helps remove the outer castings of the claw.
Scratching also feels good to cats. It is a way of loosening up leg & shoulder muscles & tendons in the cat's paws.
Cats have glands all over the body, including the paws. During scratching pheromones are released from the glands in the paws onto the object.  Scratching is a way for cats to mark out their territory.

How to stop scratching:
You can't stop scratching, it is a perfectly normal behaviour. What you can do is train your cat to scratch on specifically designated objects so they will avoid ruining your furniture.

  • For some owners declawing (which is prohibited in most countries) is their chosen method to prevent scratching. This is a rather painful operation which involves amputation of the cat's claw up to the first joint. The majority of people strongly disagree with declawing of cats for a multitude of reasons. It is painful & unnecessary, it can also lead to other behavioural problems such as biting & inappropriate urination. Also, cats derive great pleasure from scratching & declawing deprives them of this pleasure. There are many alternative methods which are far kinder than declawing, which is really only performed for the owner's convenience anyway.
  • The plan is to make the current target unpleasant while providing your cat with a more attractive alternative such as a scratching post or cheaper scratching boards which can be hung from a door handle.  There's a huge variety on the market which will suit all tastes & budgets. Most scratching posts are covered either in carpet or sisal. If possible, temporarily cover the object your cat is scratching with some thick plastic or double sided tape, which will act as a deterrent.
  • Another you may want to consider are water sprays (use when your cat starts scratching the furniture), this may work but it may just stop your cat scratching when you are around.
  • You can also try placing orange peel around the location. Many cats find the citrus smell extremely unpleasant.
  • Now you need to encourage your cat to use the scratching post provided. You can purchase catnip spray from many pet shops & spray this on the post to attract the cat, or rub some dried catnip on the post.  Cats enjoy a scratch after a nap, so try placing the scratching post close to your cat's favoured sleeping location.
  • If you see your cat making a beeline for a favourite piece of furniture to scratch on, gently pick up the cat & move it over to the scratching post. If the cat uses it heap plenty of praise on your cat. Cats respond far better to positive behaviour than negative behaviour from their owners.
  • Cutting your cat's claws regularly will minimise damage caused to your furniture. For help on trimming your cat's claws read here.
  • Never physically punish a cat when you catch it scratching inappropriately. Physical punishment serves no purpose & more often than not has a negative effect on how your cat perceives you. A firm "no" & a spray with the water spray are more effective than smacking your cat.

With time & patience you will be able to re-train your cat to use a more appropriate object than your furniture. Good luck!!!

Original Website: http://www.cat-world.com.au/how-to-stop-your-cat-scratching-the-furniture

can't stop scratching, it is a perfectly normal behavior for cats~~~

2012年7月11日 星期三


【貓貓知識匯總】 >> 【貓之飲食篇】 >> 【幼貓飲食之知識】








2012年7月10日 星期二

【飲食篇】Foods which cats cannot eat-6

【貓貓知識匯總】 >> 【貓之飲食篇】 >> 【一般飲食之知識】
Nuts have been known to cause tremors & muscle weakness in dogs, so please don't giving them to us.~~~

Nuts have been known to cause tremors & muscle weakness in dogs, therefore it's best to apply caution & avoid giving them to cats.
Onion & Garlic
Onions contain sulfoxides and disulfides which damage red blood cells & can cause haemolytic anaemia. Be careful when feeding your cat human foods, some people will recommend baby food for a cat who's lost its appetite. This is fine, but make sure the food doesn't contain any onion, flakes, powder etc.
Onion causes greater problems than garlic.
Pork fat may block the capillaries, pets should not eat.
Tomatoes and Potatoes
These contain solanine glycosides which can cause vomiting, abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea, nervous system stimulation, depression, trembling, paralysis & cardiac arrest.

2012年7月9日 星期一


【貓貓知識匯總】 >> 【貓之疾病篇】 >> 【貓貓一般疾病類】

当呼叫猫咪而得不到任何响应时,通常情况都较为严重和麻烦。当出现这种状况时,请抚摸或者碰触身体,并且检查是否还有呼吸。 会发生这种情况,有可能是气管阻塞、心跳停止或是中毒所导致的结果。

当猫咪突然出现快速呼吸,不是平常的状况,就必须要立即关切问题所在,找出解决方法或是就医! 当液体流进了肺里,或是胸腔出现空洞,都有可能会造成突然急遽呼吸,这些状况若是持续性或是没有就医,严重者甚至会导致心跳停止。


严重的电解质反常和失水可能发生连续性的呕吐。 肠子被异物阻塞(如:丝带、橡皮筋、绳子)也是常见会造成呕吐的原因。



猫咪出现发烧大多因为传染,发烧会使身体水份需求量增加,亦会造成食欲不振现象。 脱水和营养不良同时发生会造成身体恶化! 当猫咪体温超过39.5度(华氏103度)时,就应立即就医!

附录资料 :
猫咪正常体温::38 – 39度,幼猫的体温略高:38.5 - 39.5度
呼吸数:: 20 - 30次/分
心跳数: 100 - 120次/分;幼猫: 110 -130次/分



2012年7月8日 星期日

【新聞類】Forget the nine lives, meet the cat with 26 toes

【貓貓資料分類】 >> 【新聞資料類】

In a reversal of fortunes, a once-unwanted cat has come to the rescue of an animal shelter in need of a new home.
However, this orange-and-white tabby named Daniel is no typical cat.
He has a near-record 26 toes, a phenomenon that is helping the  Milwaukee Animal Rescue Center in Wisconsin raise money to relocate to a new building.

Daniel has two extra toes on each of his feet
because of a genetic mutation called polydactylism

Normal cats have 18 toes, but Daniel has two extra on each foot due to a genetic mutation called polydactylism.
Officials at the centre found out their rent at a Milwaukee-area mall was being doubled on January 1, 2011. So, the shelter is buying a new building and is seeking small donations of $26 – or $1 per toe.

Daniel's 26 toes are two shy of the Guinness World Records number,
but he doesn't seem bothered
They've collected enough so far to secure the financing with about $80,000 raised since October 24, 2011, but they hope to raise $120,000 by December 23, 2011 so they can become even more financially stable.
Around $50,000 of the money raised has come from $26 donations.

Daniel is helping Milwaukee shelter officials
raise money to buy a new home
after they learned their rent
was being doubled

'I've always been a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and this is definitely the case,' said Amy Rowell, owner of Milwaukee Animal Rescue Center in Greendale.
She found Daniel in October at animal control when she went to pick up another cat. As she bent down to that cat's cage, Daniel stuck his paw out and poked her head.
'He was very clearly saying, "I need to be rescued, I'd like to be your friend, please pay attention to me",' she said. 'And when a sign is that obvious, we tend to not ignore it.'
The shelter takes in animals that might otherwise be euthanised.
Daniel was originally going to be adopted out, but Ms Rowell has decided to keep him as a shelter mascot.
Daniel's 26 toes – two shy of the Guinness World Records number - don't seem to affect his cat activities.
'He runs and he plays and he climbs, he uses a scratching post. He seems to be not bothered by it at all,' Ms Rowell said.


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