
2013年1月13日 星期日

【英文類】Cat Myths - Separate Fact From Fiction (4/5)

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Calico males are worth a lot of money
While it is true that calico males are rare, they are not valuable in financial terms.

All orange cats are male
No, it is possible to have an orange female. Unlike the orange male,  who only needs one copy of the O gene to produce an orange coat, the female requires the O to be on both chromosomes. If she has only one O, the resulting coat colour will be calico.

If you no longer want your pet cat, it is OK to release it into the wild because cats can fend for themselves.
It's a shame I am even having to reply to this myth, but sadly there are still some people who tire of their pet cat & leave the cat outdoors, justifying their behaviour by telling themselves that cats can fend for themselves. This is NOT the case. Pet cats who find themselves turfed out will most likely die of either starvation, injuries caused by fights with other animals, disease or be hit by a car. If you no longer want your cat then do the right thing & either find it a new home or take it to a shelter.

All male cats spray
Not all male cats spray. Entire male cats are much more likely to spray than desexed ones, which is another good reason to desex your cats. Female cats (especially entire ones) can also spray, although it's less common for an entire female to spray than an entire male.

You can't turn an indoor/outdoor cat into an indoor only cat
Yes you can, and my cats are a great example of this. They were all indoor/outdoor but reverted to indoor only (with access to an outdoor enclosure) with very little difficulty. It is easy to do as long as you ensure the cat(s) have enough mental stimulation.

Cats are independent & the ideal pet for somebody with a busy lifestyle
This is entirely dependant on the individual cat. Some cats are more independent than others but generally ALL cats need some companionship.  If you lead a busy lifestyle & spend long hours working it is advisable you have two cats, so they can keep each other company while you are out.

Cats smother babies
While extremely rare  it can happen. I have heard of two cases, one resulting in a fatality, the other resulting in a near miss. [1] However, there are several cases of parents accidentally smothering babies in their sleep. Care should always be taken to ensure a cat does not have access to a sleeping baby. 





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