
2012年3月8日 星期四

【英文類】Foods which cats cannot eat-3

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There are still have many common foods which are either poisonous or have the potential to be dangerous to your cat. Let us introduce four more today~

Coffee & Tea:
Coffee, tea, cola, cocoa, etc., will affect the heart and nervous system, causing epileptic seizures, heart damage and internal bleeding and other painful digestive symptoms.
Dog Food:
Nutritional needs of cats and dogs are different. Feeding cats with dog food may cause illness.
Egg White:
Egg white contains an element called Avidin, which will damage the cat‘s Biotin and cause illness.
While fat isn't toxic to cats, it's not healthy to routinely feed your cat a diet high in animal fats as it will lead to obesity. Large amounts of fat can also cause pancreatitis.




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